Please let me know if you are working from home and if there is nothing important scheduled (I will do my best to alert everyone of important events prior to them occurring). My assumption is that everyone is at the lab for some part of the day. Please also check the lab calendar for scheduled events. For working events like lab cleanup, lab meeting, and journal club, everyone is expected to attend.


If you plan to work from home most of the time, it's important to consider how this may impact your progress and ability to finish your project on time. As a junior researcher, regularly using equipment and interacting with other learners is a valuable opportunity for developing technical abilities and skills for high-quality scientific research. Engaging with mentors and peers can also help you develop vital mentoring skills that will serve you well throughout your academic and professional career.

Furthermore, unexpected visitors such as the department director, company representatives, potential new students, post-doctoral fellows, and heads of medicine departments can provide valuable opportunities for collaboration and securing additional funding. Having people available to explain equipment and projects can help you form new connections and take advantage of these opportunities.